Saturday, October 30, 2010

So far...

My first attempts at the building were derived primarily from the site, using the street edges created by the existing buildings.  One of the main ideas was to raise the building off the ground to create more of a transition space between the space of the street and the space of Harvard Yard.  The problem I encountered with this approach was that I tended to block off the program so that yes the building was raised up, but it was boring sectionally.  The next step was to create a more interesting section so that as you walk under the building so there are more abrupt changes in height, making you more aware of the transition between spaces.  The section did become more interesting but when adding the program in, I lost the site connection.

early models

improved sectional models


The critics at the mid review provided some very helpful criticism.  I think the overall theme was that I really need to step back and clarify what I want the building to do.  If I say that the building is supposed to be like the gates and the fence- permeable but defining space- then I have to create that. I can't just lift the building up.   I knew that the space under the building couldn't be empty, but that's something that has to be developed from the beginning-otherwise it becomes just an elevated building.  Also, the sectional changes can't be disconnected from the site.  Where there are sectional voids become the "gates" and the masses have to reach down to become the "fence".  Another thing to keep in mind is that I've argued that you can see through the fence, so I have to consider how much you can see through the building.  Perhaps there needs to be a module where the building is more transparent- the iron parts of the fence- and then more solid- like the brick pieces that also keep the fence standing.  Every decision should be based around the same idea.  Another statement that I thought was interesting from the review was about how the building relates to the Carpenter Center.  I know that this is part of the project statement, but I seem to have been disregarding it, something I shouldn't be doing.

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