Saturday, September 25, 2010

Catching Up

On Tuesday we presented our landscapes based on the painting and one of Le Corbusier's buildings.  I can't say that I am overly thrilled with my landscape, but it was an interesting exercise.  I finally started to get away from the objects of the painting and tried to look at the lines of the painting.  One thing I thought was interesting was that when I went to draw the axon, the lower parts were at the top of the painting so i flipped the model upside down to draw it.  I should have flipped it upside down to study the painting more because then I may have gotten away from the objects.  I think my landscape still had too much of the bottles in the end, but it forced me to take a different approach to the painting, which is one of the lessons of cubism- that you can always find a different approach. 

Model of landscape

Axon of landscape

And now on to the machines for seeing.  At first the assignment seemed scary.  How do you create something to see nothing?  But as I started to look around my room and think about things that would change what you saw, it seems less scary and more fun.  I started to take lines and tried to see if I could force you to recognize what you are looking through.  As for seeing nothing, I think having an excess of things to see and having it all blur together will be overwhelming so that you see nothing in particular.  After Friday's desk crit, I am excited to see what I can make.

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