Monday, September 20, 2010

When we were first told we would have to use the painting and a Le Corbusier building to create an inhabitable space, it didn't seem that scary.  Complete freedom, yes, but there was a place to work from- the painting.  This has proven more challenging because even though it is the same painting, there are so many options.  As the first reading told us, there are so many ways to look at Cubism, and I think in order to successfully create a landscape, I've had to look at the painting in a different way.  After all of our investigation into the paintings, there is still so much to get from it.  So instead of focusing on how the objects are laid out in space, I'm looking for relationship horizontally.  This means also taking a different look at what the color changes might mean and how they can be translated into space.  I'm working on taking the defining horizontal lines and turning them into a continous defining wall and seeing where that takes me.

1 comment:

  1. i wish those horizon(tal) lines had been more prominent in the final version... perhaps they will come out with the machine?
